Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Our Daugther's Wedding Day

Our daughter's wedding was a wedding created with Christ at the center and dedicated to our heavenly Father on October 24th in the year of our Lord, 2009. I find it very interesting that Sadie's Great Grandmother, Sadie Bertha Bartsch's, wedding certificate to Jacob Bartsch from Cottonwood County in the State of Minnesota is recorded like this:

I hereby certify that on the 19th day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty three at the home in said County. The undersigned, a minister of the gospel did join in the holy bonds of Matrimony according to the laws of this State. Jacob H. Bartsch ...and Sadie Bertha Wiegold...

Imagine, in these days how much the State of Minnesota would get attacked for having certificates that imply that marriage in such a Christ centered event...in the year of OUR LORD!

I'm thankful that here in America we can still rent a ballroom and have a Christ-centered Wedding between to followers of Jesus Christ. Two families in Jesus coming together. What a wonderful day it was. One of the highlights definately was having a first communion with Sadie and Ethan as a new family unit. The six of us, Ethan's parents and us along with the newlyweds broke the bread symbolizes Christ body and shared the "cup" symbolizing Jesus' shed blood for us. We actually dipped the bread in the cup, eat in remembrance of Him. Then the Father's prayed and Pastor Jeff closed the prayer as we all wept in thanksgiving to Him for bringing not only our "kids" together as one, but for what Christ did for all of us that have accepted his death on a cross as our salvation for eternal life. What a day of rejoicing that will be.
Then, there was the reception next door in the ballroom. Dancing, cake cutting, pink flowers and pink twinkle lights, a candy table with a Bridal shot with Sadie's favorite Grand Champion Chicken Mary on the it, food, fellowship and Bridesmaid's dancing! Sounds like a party to me.

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