Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What does America think is funny?

As I was ironing a table cloth today I was listening the TV. It announced upcoming shows for fall on the ABC network, with the catch phrase "Laugh with America" on ABC or something to that effect. The very next clip was a show in which the mother character says to someone younger than them, "You can ask any question you want?" To which the young lady replies back, "How many men have you slept with?" I stopped my ironing to look up at the TV in dismay, wondering "Why does AMERICA think that is funny?"

I went on to hear Actor Chris Rice talk of his new documentary on the VIEW. His documentary shows how black women spends millions of dollars each year on their hair and that in comparison with percentages is much higher than white women. Why that is worth documenting I'm not sure, but he then made a statement regarding David Letterman's recent plight of having affairs with his staff - If people make you angry you can call the police, if the but if you make your wife angry, "There ain't no one you can call!"

Which makes me think of this past few months and how we have worked with many couples to help resolves the "issues" they have between them that has stiffled thier marriage happiness.

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