Thursday, April 10, 2008

Marriage PREP

Titus 2 Marriage Mentoring
Premarital Coaching
& Engagement Prep

We appreciate the opportunity to describe what our Pre-Engagement Prep, Premarital Coaching and Titus 2 Mentoring Ministry at Brookside can do for your future marriage. First, we have a team of specially trained couples, one of which will go through the 6 sessions in the book Preparing for Marriage. Initially, to cover this material a coach couple meets with you every two weeks.

You will study Why God designed marriage, God's Equation For marriage (When 1 + 1 = 1), Authentic Communication in marriage, and Roles & Responsibilities: Moving Beyond the Cultural Stereotypes. This book also has a section just for you, the section is moving from "Do I?" to "I Do!" or "I Don't." This section helps you to make a Biblical decision as to whether God is leading you two to marriage.

You can purchase these books from Brookside for $12 each, and we recommend that you each have your own book to fill out and study from. We will have these books available for you when you come to your first meeting.

We ask that you each fill out a deck of information called Pre Engagement Prep Groundwork. We would like you to fill this information out completely and bring it to our first meeting together. We use this information to help us come along side you and get to know you better for our Coaching. Please know that all the material is held very confidential.
If you should decide that God is leading the two of your toward engagement, we would have you do two more sessions with your PREP, now Premarital Coach, close to the wedding date. These sessions cover Finances and Intimacy in marriage.

Our Titus 2 Marriage Mentoring part of the program pairs you with another older Couple that meets with you for the first year after the wedding, should you proceed to engagement. At this point, Brookside Marriage Ministry presents the newlywed couple with a Dennis Rainey book “Starting Your Marriage Right,” as a token of our commitment to help your marriage start off strong. This book is the perfect book for the newlywed couple and our Marriage Mentor Couple to discuss as they get together their first year of marriage. We also have quarterly get-togethers where young couples meet others in their stage of life and fellowship with other Mentors.

We believe so strongly in the Titus 2 message of the older generation teaching the younger generation that we have formed this ministry to aid newlyweds, not so newlyweds, pre-engaged couples, engaged couples and even oldie-weds. Yes, everyone has someone older that they can learn from as they travel through many different stages of life.

We trust that this Ministry will prove to be of special value to you. We will be praying for the two of you as you explore what we feel is one of the most important institutions ordained by God, that of marriage!

Serving our Savior, Roger & Denise Friesen 402-253-2355

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